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Power Rankings - Week 3


Here's what happened this week:

Power Rankings - Week 3


TBL took a slide this week, they were almost in the top row based on their play from Week 2, but unfortunately, a rough week sets them back. I'm still rooting for them though. I hope they have a better week this time around.

LA has surplanted WPG for the number 1 spot. An 8 game winning streak will do that. While, anihilating all bottom-row teams is nothing to write home about, you can't argue with 8 wins in a row. But, in order to stay in the number 1 spot, LA will have to perform equally well against some top-row competition.

Top-Row Competition is exactly what keeps Detroit in the 4th spot. After 1-goal defeats to PIT and CGY, they pulled off some a big wins against OTT and WPG. DET faced 4/5 top-row teams. No doubt a tough week for DET and they came out a respectable 3-2-0.

WPG didn't have the best week, but they are still a team that strikes fear in the hearts of men. I'm not worried, they'll bounce back and are still very much a cup contender.

MTL had a solid week surging up to the #2 spot. Again, strong finishes against top-row teamsm beating OTT and WPG. Contrats to them on their (so-far) 6-game winning streak. You definitely don't want to count out MTL in the east.

Speaking of resurgences-PIT has quietly whipped his dick out in the east, establishing himself as a serious contender and not just gatekeeper of a forgotten division. He is also on a five game winning streak, putting DET to bed with a 5-4 victory. PIT is currently on a 5-game heater and while the other wins were not as impressive as the one against DET, PIT has still established himself as a force to be reckoned with.

The honeymoon seems to be over for MIN as they being to look like a true expansion team. I don't think they've completely thrown in the towel, but there may be a 3rd team in the Bedard sweepstakes soon enough...

I can't decide if VAN truly shit the bed, or CHI got ashamed of having a 12-game losing streak. In any case, CHI moves up! By beating EDM, they earned 15th place this week, and VAN now leads the Bedard sweepstakes. Bedard + Owen Power... that would make for a nice rebuild.

NYR is NYR. They continue to do NYR things. I expect they will pull a St-Louis and turn it around in the 2nd half of the season, because that is the most NYR thing to do.

CGY's goaltending finally woke up and provided some much needed tending of the goal. Only LA had fewer goals against this week, and they played 1 less game than CGY. They too were on a 6 game winning streak until it was snapped in a shootout by COL. That streak managed to finally propel CGY into the top-row. We will see how long they stay there. This team has been incredibly streaky this year. I'm predicting a first-round playoff exit unless they get their shit together.

Speaking of COL, they took MTL to overtime and beat CGY in a shootout. Which is quite impressive. They showed that they do have what it takes to mix it up with the top-row teams. They are my TBL of the west. They could surprise you.

Much like COL, PHI seems to have decided they are tired of being the worst, and have started to put up a good fight against bottom-row teams. I admire the tenacity and love that they are playing spoiler to some of the fringe playoff teams like COL and WSH. While I don't think there's a spot for them in the eastern conference playoffs, it's still fun to watch them stick it to people.

WSH has started to slip. The first two weeks they were battling for 1st in the conference, and now they sit just outside of a playoff spot. They fought hard against OTT, losing in OT, and game close to PIT in a 5-4 loss. I wasn't going to move them out of the top row for that. Even the week before they had an OT loss against EDM and a SO loss to MTL. Close games and they are in the mix with the top-row teams, but they don't seem to have enough in the tank to finish the job. Their only wins the last 2 weeks have come against MIN and VAN, and on top of that they lose to PHI this week. That was enough to make them fall out of the top-row. The hard part now, is for them to climb back up into the top row, someone in the east has to fall out... My pick at this point is OTT.

OTT, right now, they just don't look like the dominant team they were last year. don't get me wrong, they are still winning the "easy" ones. The difference between them and WSH right now is that OTT is beating the bottom-row teams (except NYR lol), and WSH isn't. I still have faith that they will do well, but much like Carolina in the real NHL, are they good enough?

EDM was all over the road this week worse than Ryan Dunn. After losing to TBL 5-0, he destroys CHI 11-0, only to then lose to CHI 2-1 a few days later. There is still has a safe distance in the standings between EDM and COL, so there's nothing to worry about for now... for now...

cant click on the link :(

Power Rankings - Week 3
3 Teams on 5 game (or more) winning streaks

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Ian Cavanagh My bad! I fixed it.
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