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I"m Back


Well it has been a longtime since my last angry pissed off rant hasn't it!! So let's get down to buisness.

First off let me start by welcoming the three new GMs to the League: Welcome Ben, Mathieu and David!! I hope you boys enjoy yourselves.

Now that's out of the way, HOLY FUCK is it tight in the EAST!!! It's going to be a furious struggle to the wire to see who makes these playoffs this year! between myself DET-MTL and TB this division in anybodies guess and damn with WAS in the same div as PIT, it's going to be interesting to see who's gonna take it. So the Wild cards in the EAST are going to be really sought after. Nice to see PIT already trading with CHI and taking the last few good pieces left in that roting corpse of a team. 

Speaking of the WEST, God damn WPG looks beastly, GODLY even! A team that strong, that overpowered and arguably all his best assets in his pro and not hiding away studs in his farm goes to show his elite skills of being a GM. So Fernando I raise my glass of wonderful Markers MARK to you cheers bud! That being said LA or WPG who would win the top spot in the WEST tough as hell to say one thing for sure it's gping to be entertaining. As for the wild card spots might it'll be a fight between CGY and EDM  maybe MIN can offer some resistance maybe COL, maybe? 

As for bed shitters none are greater then the Blackhawks right now let's see if he can hold off VAN  for the ultimate turd. We should create a trophy and call it the "TURD-EAU CUP". I like the sound of that  

And finally let me address my final point of the night: My last post!!

Let me start off by apologizing if I angered some people last posting, these are just ramblings of a fool and should be taken with laughter and alcohol and never sereously, if you felt attacked by what I wrote last time I truly am sorry. 

But let's face it, if I don't agree with anything you guys do or say and I wish to express myself, I might and we don't have to agree but in the futur I will try to be more courteous and less of a DICK. 

So for now I say goodnight, good luck to our new GMs and cheers to Fernando your team truly is a beuty!!!

No mention of the futur cup winner? The greatest underdog ever? Go suck a lemon!

I"m Back
And Somewhat Suprised

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