• Ligue de HockeySim Nationale
  • 33 47
  • 34 48
  • 33 47
  • 34 48

I was thinking


Well the Tampa bay Lightning paid a shit-ton for Brandon Hagel, so who's going to give that Shit-ton because I AM HUNGRY!!!

The actual trade deadline in the NHL is looking interesting indeed after seeing what Hagel brought in for Chicago, one must ask why has the trading slowed in the league. NYR certainly have assets  to pick up and im sure PHI can take a bad contract or 2 and what about COL? I'm sure at this point a full-on rebuild to gain as many futures and picks possible must be on his mind since February? Well I for one can't wait to see these tear downs in action because the NYR are proving that a tear down and complete rebuild will get you an incredibly high number of picks!!!!! so I'm guessing in 3 to 4 years NYR is going to be terrifying to play agaisnt.


And what a week it has been, inching ever closer to DET, only 2 little points away. and WIN still holding on to top stop in the WEST with LAK only 2 points from him. As for the rest well the only race worth watching is the race for 4th place in the WEST with only 2 points seperating 4th and 6th and EDM never being able to hold on to a lead well I think its going to go down to the wire  on that.  One would think that EDM and VAN and CHI would do anything they can to trade to increase the strength in their teams. Just look how terrible the NYR were when they made that MIRACLE of a cup run. They squeaked in the playoffs and upset every team to glory!! Just gotta beleive, like all those dumb-ass PSAs say to the kids "Beleive in yourselves and anything is possible", or some SHIT along those lines. 


Anyway I'm off to continue another easy week! so remember 

#putinsdickdontwork, #expansion2022, #divisionalrealignment, #waketheghosts, #rotatethecommittee